Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Beautiful Buenos Aires

The Departure
Well, it would seem that despite my morbid fear of flying, that I have made it! Prior to leaving, I had my last minute crisis (a hole in the bottom of my backpack), which (once dealt with using my newly acquired sewing skills) actually helped me to calm down! Myself, Mum, Sandi, Robbie and Brittany made the squashy trip to the airport at silly o´clock in the morning, despite the fact that my flight had been delayed 90 mins. And SILLY o´clock is right! Rob had us all in stitches telling sick jokes, and just generally behaving like a sleep deprived fool!

I thought the karma gods were getting me back for laughing at Tash when she was on a flight with a stack of scouts earlier in the month- there was a group of Kiwi school kids loitering in the aiport.... But luckily they were on another flight!

The flight to NZ was no big issue. But then I had to queue for over an hour to check in for the flight to Buenos Aires! There happened to be a bloke by the name of Bruno in the queue who must be a famous Argentine muso of some kind- the teenage girls in the queue giggled their heads off and had their photo taken with him. (He WAS quite hot, I must say!)

Buenos baby
The hostel I had booked to stay at had arranged a minibus to pick me upon my arrival at the airport in Buenos Aires, so I had a bloke holding up a sign with my name on it. I was a tad jealous though- one of the Argentine blokes on my flight had people holding a banner (not just a sign), who also blew whistles and shook maracas when they saw him!

I arrived at the hostel at around 4.30pm local time, and basically crashed! I was VERY glad I had booked a room to myself for the night, and took the opportunity to snooze for a few hours before surfacing for a snack, and then sleeping again! My first actual day was spent fighting jetlag, and basically doing some Evita-themed sightseeing. I was wishing I had someone with me, so that I could belt out a bit of "Don´t Cry For Me Argentina" outside the pink presidential palace. (I decided that to do it on my own would be a tad strange). An early night followed a day of walking (later on, hobbling) around the city.

Today has been spent window-shopping along Avenida Florida. Yes, WINDOW-shopping. Since I´ll be heading home out of Buenos Aires, I figured that I may as well leave the shopping until I get back here! Not sure what the night will hold- my back is playing up (which I imagine is a delayed response to the position I contorted myself into on the plane).. So I don´t think it´s time to hit the town just yet. The Brazilian boys in my room were out until some ungodly hour last night, so I don´t know that they´d be the right ones to go out with tonight, with my crook back!..

Next up is planning where I´m off to on Saturday... Thinking maybe Montevideo???..

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