Monday, February 22, 2010

São Paulo- Melbourne on steroids!!..

I heart Sampa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it has been a while since I last blogged, but I have been thoroughly enjoying being in São Paulo!! I have enjoyed spending time in most of the cities I have ever visited, but this one is the first that really feels as though I've come home. It is AWESOME!!!

I'm staying in an area of the city that has a real Fitroy vibe to it- sensational!! And no, I'm not biased- some of the people I have spoken to agree that São Paulo is the Melbourne of Brazil, and that Vila Madelena (where I'm staying), is like Fitzer. My Portuguese teacher Gisele was spot on! And the hostel is fabulous! I can't speak highly enough of the great staff, the awesome location, and the comfy hostel itself!

I have spent days checking out the art galleries (there are thousands of them in this city!), and the gorgeous streets. They have streets that are almost designated to a certain product- a street filled with stores that sell musical instruments, one for antique furniture, etc etc.. And some great markets! So yes, I have blown the budget here in Sampa!

The people here are awesome, and despite the bad press São Paulo has copped at times (touch wood) I have had no trouble!

Today (Sunday) I have spent the day the way that most of Sampa spends it- at Parque do Ibirapuera, this HUGE, gorgeous park- there are lakes filled with black and white swans, gorgeous garden areas, museums, galleries, bike paths, soccer pitches, basketball courts, skating areas, restaurants.... you name it! And due to the lovely warm weather, there are many scantily clad men jogging through the park!... Nice!

There are nightclubs EVERYWHERE!!! They are so sensational that the cover charge alone is almost what you would spend on a whole night out back in Oz! (I guess that stops me from over-indulging on the caipirinhas!!!)

So tomorrow I'm off to check out the centre of the city in the morning (it's a no go area on the weekend due to its dodginess), and will then be bus-ing it to Rio!!!..

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